Srinagar, Mar 24 A 67-year-old women, who was the first person to be tested positive for Coronavirus in Kashmir valley, has been treated successfully, officials said on Tuesday.The woman from Khanyar in downtown Srinagar had returned on March 16 from Saudi Arabia after performing Umrah.Confirming the development on micro-blogging site twitter, Deputy Commissioner Srinagar Shahid Iqbal Chaudhary wrote, “Srinagar’s first COVID-19 Positive case successfully treated: Director SKIMS. Let’s #BreakTheChain.”
Meanwhile, two more people have been tested positive for Coronavirus in the summer capital, Srinagar.
“Two more cases reported positive in Srinagar. One has confirmed travel history outside India. Full details regarding the second being ascertained,” J&K Union Territory Administration spokesperson Rohit Kansal said on Tuesday.
Sources said that one the two coronavirus positive patients had returned from an international conference in New Delhi while another has a travel history of Saudi Arabia.Strict restrictions remained imposed for the sixth successive day on Tuesday to contain the spread of Coronavirus in the summer capital, Srinagar, and other parts of Kashmir valley, where about 50 people were arrested and several shops were sealed for violating lock down order during the last 24 hours.