Srinagar, March 29: Famous bollywood actor, Gagandeep Singh on Sunday said that India would soon overcome the Cororanvirus crisis and urged people to stay at their homes to combat the deadly virus.
Singh said India would win the war against the coronavirus and urged people to follow the lockdown announced by Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
“”Everything will be fine. I understand what is going on in everyone’s mind. But I am confident that nobody would lose their jobs,” he said.Singh said it is a situation that no one has seen before in India and or in the world. We are also trying to join this war against coronavirus India and other countries,” he said.
Singh said despite PM’s appeal, huge number of migrants travelled on foot for several kilometers after the transportation throughout Delhi was discontinued owing to lockdown.
“Everyone should stay at home, try to stay safe. We will definitely emerge from these circumstances and see a good day coming again,” he added. (JKNS)