Jammu: 31 Mar 2020 In the ongoing lockdown, 21 casual labourers and two students travelling from Srinagar to Thanamandi via Poshana on Old Mughal Road were stranded at Dogrian District Rajouri. These daily wagers due to the shutdown ran out of food, water and other basic amenities.
Indian Army provided them with supplies including rations, water, soap, medicines and coronavirus protection kit comprising of masks, gloves and hand sanitizers. These individuals were also provided with hot food and tea to enhance their spirits. They were also educated on precautionary measures to be followed to prevent COVID-19.
These persons were later shifted to a quarantine facility in Jarra Wali Gali established by the civil administration. These individuals, local populace and civil administration officials were deeply touched with the efforts being put in by the men in uniform.
Lt Col Devender Anand
PRO (Defence)
0191 – 2578963
PRO/Jammu/ 277/Mar/2020