Srinagar: Tuesday, 31 Mar 2020. In continuation of the multiple initiatives launched by Indian Army against the COVID-19 Pandemic, Army conducted a number of activities to contain the outbreak of COVID-19 and bring succour to the lives of the Awaam.
These measures included spreading awareness by public announcements, speaking to individuals from safe distance, distribution of pamphlets and pasting posters in public places and important population centres. The Army teams have relentlessly been working to ensure that people were educated about social distancing and how to stop the spread of the virus. Important aspects like symptoms, precautions and measures to contain the outbreak were also told to the locals.
The remote villages in far flung areas of the Valley face problems of routes of access and stable connectivity to the main towns. The Army has reached out in support of the Awaam in this time of crisis and is carrying out distribution of essential food supplies, spraying of disinfectant and has also arranged for masks and hand sanitizers for the people of these almost cutoff villages. The relief efforts are not only being provided in the rural areas but also in towns and population centres where labourers, migrant workers and daily wage earners are most affected due to the precautionary measures in place.
Populace were encouraged to stay inside and told about importance of washing of hands and maintaining hygiene and sanitation. Our combined relentless efforts will go a long way in breaking the chain and help win the fight against COVID 19.