17,677 people under surveillance
Srinagar, April 02: Eight more persons tested positive in Jammu and Kashmir on Thursday, taking the number of confirmed cases to 70, while 17,677 people are under surveillance.Among the total 70 positive cases, 17 persons are from Jammu division, while 53 belong to Kashmir valley.As per the media bulletin, a total of 17,677 persons in contact with suspect cases have been put under surveillance.“A total of 10694 are in home quarantine, 65 in hospital isolation, 622 in hospital quarantine, 4109 in home surveillance while 2187 have completed 28 days of surveillance,” the government said.A total of 1084 samples have been sent for testing in JK of which 1010 are negative and 70 samples are positive, while reports of four patients are awaited.With eight new cases on Thursday the number of confirmed coronavirus cases has soared to 70 in Jammu Kashmir. (JKNS)