Srinagar, April 13: A houseboat owner was booked for hiding the foreigner on Monday, while the British tourist was sent in a quarantine facility in Srinagar. As per the reports reaching JKNS, the houseboat had kept the British foreigner inside his houseboat since March 15th and has provided him accommodation despite advisories from the government.A senior police official said foreigner was spotted by a police cop and during questioning; the foreigner admitted that he reached to Valley by the Srinagar-Jammu Highway.“The the official added that he had managed to skip all the foreign registration counters along the highway,” the official said.Meanwhile, police had registered FIR vide number 45/2020 at Nehru Park police station under sections 269 and 188 of IPC in this regard and further investigation is on in the case.Following the incident, the traveler was immediately taken for a checkup at the hospital, where his condition was stated and was directed to remain in quarantine (JKNS)