Srinagar, April 14” The district administration Ganderbal has intensified the restrictions in red zone areas and urged the people to stay in their homes to ensure complete lockdown.Deputy Commissioner, Ganderbal, Shafqat Iqbal on Wednesday reiterated that there would be no inward and outward movement of any person from the villages declared red zones.“People would stay in their homes to ensure complete lockdown as restrictions are being intensified,” he said. Earlier the day, the DM chaired a meeting of BDC chairpersons nominated administrators and nodal officers to discuss necessary actions to be taken for ensuring strict implementation of lockdown in the district. Additional District Magistrate, Farooq Ahmad Baba, ACD, and DPO were also present in the said meeting. They informed that about 2 lakh masks will be distributed among PHH and AAY beneficiaries free of cost in the district and distribution mechanism is also formulated to cover the entire population of the district. (JKNS)