38 recovered, discharged so far: Officials
Srinagar, April 16: 14 people were tested positive for COVID-19 on Thursday in Kashmir valley, taking the number of cases to 314 in Jammu and Kashmir.According to the J&K government, a total of 58076 travellers and persons in contact with suspect cases have been put under observation.“A total of 7463 people are in home quarantine, 272 in hospital isolation, 265 in hospital quarantine, and 29366 in home surveillance,” the government said.It said 20706 people have completed their surveillance period.The government said 5680 samples tested negative while 314 are positive.Of the total positive cases, 272 are active, including 228 in Kashmir and 44 in Jammu province.The district-wise break shows that in Kashmir, Srinagar has 78 cases, Bandipora 66, Baramulla 42, Budgam 12, Pulwama three, Shopian 14, Kupwara 25, Ganderbal 14, Kulgam five and Anantnag one.Till date, J&K has reported four deaths due to coronavirus that include three from Kashmir and one from Jammu.The government said, until now a total of 38 patients including 29 from Kashmir division have recovered and been discharged from hospitals. (JKNS)