Srinagar, April 18: Amid Coronavirus lockdown, burglars Saturday looted the pharmacy store in Hajin town of Bandipora, decamped with cash and medicines worth thousands, officials said. As per the locals, the owner of the store was attending, who is wife battling for her life at Sheri-e-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences (SKIMS).Following the incident, some elders in the village rushed to the medical store and informed the family and local police about the same.Zahid Khalil Shah, owner of the pharmacy store said his pharmacy shop was looted on the intervening night of Friday and Saturday.”I am at SKIMS hospital as my wife is battling for her life. It is unfortunate that some people are indulging in such acts when the whole world is facing crisis and lockdown,” he said.He alleged that burglars have decamped with Rs,30,000 case and medicines worth 12,000 rupees.SHO Hajin Police Station, Rayees Ahmad told JKNS that they visited the spot on Saturday and found that store was again locked by the locals.”We have not registered any complaint in the matter as nobody has filed any complaint regarding the incident,” he said.Earlier, on March 30, burglars raided the house of COVID-19 positive patient in the area and decamped with Rs 3 lakh cash and other valuables. (JKNS)