Srinagar, April 22: Amid Coronavirus lockdown, the Jammu and Kashmir board of School Education (JKBOSE) on Wednesday said that they have directed teachers to evaluate answer scripts of class 10 and 12 examinations of summer zone from their homes.As per the order issued to JKNS reads that in this regard by Secretary JKBOSE, Riyaz Ahmad has stated that the School Education Department had already given the approved the said proposal.“The board had started the table evaluation or in-house evaluation of class 10 and 12 examinations from February 29 and March 1 respectively which proceeded till March 21 before being disrupted due to the prevailing COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown,” it reads the orders.As per the order, the remaining answer scripts will be evaluated by the evaluators from homes instead of the board campus as a one-time exception and Joint Secretary Secrecy at JKBOSE has been asked to work out modalities to ensure safety, security, and confidentiality in this regard.“The Head Examiners and Checking Assistants have been asked to work from the board campus as per norms. Examiners in class 10 will be awarded marks in practicals corresponding to the marks obtained by them in theory,” it said.A meeting in this regard was convened last week by JKBOSE wherein it was decided that allowing more than a hundred evaluators to attend evaluation centres at BOSE Campus Rehari Colony Jammu was not advisable amid the prevailing situation.JKBOSE order further informed that examination of some of the papers 0f class 12 examination of Summer zone Jammu would be decided upon after the completion of the evaluation of the conducted papers. (JKNS)