64976 people under observation: Government
Srinagar, April 23: Twenty new Covid-19 positive cases were reported in Jammu and Kashmir on Thursday taking the total number of people infected with the coronavirus disease in the region to 427.Government spokesperson Rohit Kansal said 20 more cases of the novel coronavirus have been detected in Jammu and Kashmir on Thursday.“20 new cases of novel Coronavirus were detected in JK. 01 from Jammu division while 19 others from Kashmir division – were reported today, taking the total number of positive cases in Jammu and Kashmir to 427,” he tweeted.“Among the total 427 cases, 57 are from Jammu division and 370 from Kashmir-370 division,” he said on Twitter. A senior official at of Sher-e-Kashmir Institute of Medical Science, Srinagar, told JKNS that the18 positive cases were detected from the hospital.“Nine are from Shopian and rest are different districts of Kashmir,” the official said.While four more positives from Red Zone Anderhama in Kupwara district.As per the senior official at Kupwara told JKNS that four more positives were reported from Anderhama village declared as red zones.“ All contacts of earlier positive patients. However, other 84 samples have tested negative thus completing testing process in all the other 6 red zones of the district except Anderhama where contact tracing and testing will continue,” the official said.Over 64876 people in J-K are under observation while 6039 people have been kept under home quarantine besides 330 people are in hospital isolation while 279 persons are under hospital quarantine.Jammu had recorded its first positive case on March 9, and Kashmir on March 18.92 patients -75 in Kashmir and 17 in Jammu– have recovered from the disease while five people have died. (JKNS)