A couple of strong Western Disturbances are likely to affect the Union territory of Jammu and Kashmir in upcoming days. These Western Disturbances are likely to cause moderate to heavy rainfall over most parts of the Union Territory.Some higher reaches may receive snow as well during the time.”The first Western Disturbance is likely to cause moderate rainfall over most parts of UT from tonight onwards,” “The spell will last till 04th May early morning. Weather is going to be fairly better on May 04th with light rainfall over few places,” statement said.”Another Western Disturbance of greater intensity will affect the UT from 05th May onwards. Under its influence, moderate to heavy rainfall is expected over most plains. While as, some upper reaches may receive light to moderate snowfall as well. Improvement in weather is expected from May 07th onwards,” the statement said.”This may lead to increase in water level of rivers/nallahs & temperature is going to fall by several degrees,” The statement added