JKNS 08 Sep 2020
1. With an aim to encourage and motivate young students of the AOR in nation building and to instill a sense of patriotism in them, HQ CIF (K) SIG REGT organized a visit for 37 students of AGS, Hanzik to *Jammu & Kashmir Light Infantry Regimental Centre*. An elaborate visit was planned which started off by screening of a Movie on training. This was followed by demonstrations of training activities including Physical training, Drill and Night Navigation tactics. Students were further taken to various *Regimental institutions to include War Memorial, Quarter Guard, Hall of Fame and Maqbool Sherwani Museum* where the glorious history of JAK LI Regimental Centre was displayed. The visit culminated with interaction of students with commandant who motivated the students to join Indian Army.
2. The event witnessed jubilant participation of students who took this opportunity to familiarize themselves with the process of making of a soldier and the pride associated with it. Many were highly motivated and *expressed their ambition to join the Armed Forces* and to serve the country
3. The locals and elders appreciated the initiatives undertaken by the Army for giving their wards such an incredible exposure. The locals further thanked the Unit for the efforts taken to ensure safety from COVID-19 during the conduct of the visit.