The recent release of Mehbooba Mufti has energised the politics of J&K in a way, never before. As her audio message with a black screen shared her anguish at what happened to Kashmiris on 05 Aug 19. Soon there were images of Abdullah’s and Lone at her house, dressed in an innocent ‘green’ she seemed to be enjoying being the centre of attention, having earned the respect by spending the longest time under detention while as other mainstream leaders too made a beeline for her house. Mehbooba’s tone was defiant and words promised of a long struggle to get back what Kashmiris had lost. Though frankly I am not sure what all she seeks, restoration of Article 370 or something more
The Kashmiri elite are trying to get back in action. Oh yes, they have a loyal cadre fawning over their every step. We heard political leaders talk about political solution to Kashmir (not J&K) involving its stake holders! Who are the stake holders? The separatists? Pakistan? Azad Kashmir? GB? And of course, now as per senior Abdullah – China? Maybe they plan to include even Jammuites and Ladakhis. Wow that sure seems like a plan for some resolution in my lifetime or maybe my grandchildren’s lifetime. Honestly, I don’t want to leave a mess to the next generation. I want to take action for a just and long-term solution that brings peace and prosperity, in near future. I was hoping to find a leader who showed that kind of intent, sadly, I saw only politicians playing politics over the issue of Kashmir sometime on one pretext and sometimes on the other.
It is time at least one of them tries to call a spade – spade. Along with pointing fingers at BJP who is enjoying a berth in Centre, they would have endeared me if they had fearlessly spoken against the ‘gunmen’ who have been spilling Kashmiri blood since last Aug. Some were killed for starting economic activity, some for taking part in political activity and some like Babar Qadri for being an activist that questioned these politicians, Indian nationalists and the separatists alike. I wish someone among them talked about those who are sending drugs into my land, even Syed Geelani has talked about it. I am still looking for that one leader who could dare to speak on behalf of the people of entire Jammu and Kashmir, not only Kashmiris. The Jammuities and if we want Ladakh back then Ladakhis too have a role to play in this longstanding dispute but unfortunately we just the same old politicians with a slightly different tale to sell.
I am still looking for a leader who has a plan for me. Not a thousand year plan like some Pakistani politician with a grass diet plan in 1970’s. A leader with a vision and a plan like Mustafa Kemal Aturtuk for a World leader Kashmir. Is that asking or dreaming for too much? I am hopeful, the newer generation has had enough, they have the will and energy to make it all happen, and they will rise above all.
Atif Lone
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