Thousands of aspirants appeared in the examination of Accounts Assistant in Kashmir Valley on Tuesday. Over 18,000 aspirants appeared in the examination in various centres that were set up by administration in Kashmir capital Srinagar.
An official told news agency that these exams were conducted peacefully and smoothly. “These examinations were conducted by district administrations. In Srinagar, over 200 Special Officers were deployed to ensure free, smooth and fair examinations.”
He said that special medical teams were deployed outside examination centres. “Thermal screening was done to ensure participants are not vulnerable to Covid-19 infection,” the official said.
These examinations were conducted throughout Jammu and Kashmir. J&K SSB would pick and recommend 1,885 youths for equal number of the vacancies of Accounts Assistants out of 1,90,045 aspirants.
The official said that the results would be immediately compiled and declared.