BJP election rallies at Sumbal in Bandipora district
BJP National Spokesperson Syed Zaffar-ul-Islam and J&K BJP Spokesperson Dr Darakhshan Andrabi today held election rallies in Sumbal of Bandipora district in connection with DDC elections. Speaking on the occasion Syed Zaffar-ul-Islam said that it was only possible because of BJP that J&K for the first time since 1947 is completing the establishment of the three-tier Panchayti Raj System by electing representatives for all the local governance units.”The spirit of democracy has for the first time reached J&K. Now people have started getting benefits of Panchayti Raj. This de-centralization of powers was denied in J&K by the anarchists in the name of regional autonomy; depriving people of their right of self-governance as conceptualised by Mahatama Gandhii,” said Zaffar-ul-Islam. He asked the youth to lead this moment of change in J&K. Speaking on the occasion senior BJP leader and party Spokesperson Dr Darakhshan Andrabi said that the Gupkar Gang was no challenge for BJP. “They have come together to fight us, implies that we are the challenge for them. They want to protect their personal interests; they want to come to power by all means. Their political confusion indicates that they don’t care for people, but for power only,” said Andrabi. She said that it was shameful that the representatives of Gupkar Alliance are speaking about China and Pakistan as the supporters to help in restoration of the earlier political status to J&K. “They want to win DDC elections not by their political vision for development but by the rhetoric of non-issues. For seventy years, they have done this theatrics and are still able to do that only. We cannot change them for any good but we can decide to change J&K for good by rejecting their non-sense now and for all times to come,” said Dr Darakhshan.