BJP Kashmir unit launched its official social media Twitter handle, Facebook and Instagram accounts to boost their reach to every nook and corner of J&K.
National General Secretary and Prabhari BJP Jammu and Kashmir, Shri Tarun Chugh announced the launched the official social networking accounts of BJP Kashmir unit.
Chugh said, he was honored to announce the launch, as BJP had accomplished something, no one ever could. He shared what BJP had learned about the future generations of J&K and the world they have all been building together.
He said the idea was clear, what BJP wants is that all people must connect. BJP wants to have an impact and wants the people to join them in the mission J&K.
He reiterated that BJP can change the way the young generations are learning about our country. He added that finding solutions was essential if people of J&K want to make most of our caring. He emphasized that BJP wants to engage the young people by letting them know that we believe in them and more importantly we need them.
It was a big shout out to the younger generations as he further added that BJP needs Kashmiri youth, because BJP needs to help solve the great challenge of the people of J&K.
Chugh said BJP wants to meet with the young people and are working towards expanding the educational institutions and built international exchange programs for the youth of J&K. Chugh said what BJP has been doing for the last several years, has been engaging aggressively with the leaders of J&K to communicate that BJP wants nothing more than a stable, prosperous and peaceful J&K, and the party will work in J&K in order to eradicate the extremism the is considered as a cancer and that can potentially engulf the whole country.
Concluding on a positive note, Chugh said that these social media platforms will help keep the people updated about the latest polices and projects of Modi Govt.
Other dignitaries present at the event were Shri Khalsa former MLC BJP, Dr Ali Mohammad