POONCH, September 4: Jammu and Kashmir Pradesh Youth Congress (JKPYC) today staged in a press conference criticize BJP government on the issue of privatizing 13 sectors under National Monetization Pipeline (NMP).
Vice president JKPYC Ajaz Choudhary and DYC President Idrees Ganai, while speaking to presser criticized Bharatiya Janata Party at the Centre and its alleged anti-people policies, Ajaz Choudhary said that being in opposition today Congress has the right to raise the voice against unjustified decisions of the government. He accused the Modi led BJP government of privatizing railways, banks, and other sectors after having resorting to a spree of selling all the public assets. He said that this step taken by the government is an unprecedented step that exposes the tall claims of the BJP of being the true nationalists, Meanwhile he raised various other concern of local public, he added that people are suffering, but government isn’t paying due consideration towards genuine concern, He also criticized administration for their tendering process for DDC Members development fund Even of meager amount of 5o thousands, He Stressed upon the administration, tendering process should be restricted to amount more than 3 lakhs.
Idees Ganai District President Poonch, while interacting with media lamented that what could be more unfortunate than the fact that BJP’s tall claimed NMP is estimated to create an aggregate monetization potential of Rs. 6 lakh crore through core assets of the Central Government over a four-year period from FY 2022 to FY 2025 which means that the said national assets that are significant part of the national heritage. He said that Pradesh Youth Congress activists will fight tooth and nail till their last breath to thwart the BJP’s attempts to sell the nation’s crucial assets.
Among those who join the PC AYC President Mendhar Sajid, AYC Vice President Poonch Abdul Majeed, AYC SM Adnan and others