Lunahare Premier League (LPL) was organised by the Indian Army from 22nd to 28th September 2021 to foster sportsmanship and camaraderie among players of Lunahare, Kupwara. The event was held at Sunarpura Top in Lunahare village. LPL was 15 overs a side cricket tournament in which four local teams participated namely, Sultan Sports , Taj Sports, Sunarpora Tigers & Friends XI. The league matches were played on Round Robin basis. The final league standings after five enthralling days of cricket were as :-
The teams and locals were equally excited with the tournament and it had become the talk of the town. Fingers crossed by all, to see who takes home the big prize. Sultan Sports and Taj Sports made it to the final, and after a mouthwatering finale Sultan Sports won by 10 runs to be declared are champions.
However, there were prized up for grabs for all. Both the finalist teams were awarded with brand new cricket kits. In addition, the champions were given a cash prize of Rs 6000/-, the runners up Rs 4000/- and consolation prize of Rs 2500 each to the balance two teams.
The tournament was well received by the locals. There were huge crowds of all ages for all the games. It was the talk of the town for last one week and the anticipation