The musical event titled “Talent Hunt Show and Music Festival” was organised from 18,19 & 26 October 2021 at Dangiwacha by Rafiabad Army. This Talent Hunt Show and Music Festival provided a platform to all such youth so that their talent can be recognized properly and other youngsters will also be encouraged to come forward and showcase their talent to entire nation.
Maj Gen SS Slaria, GOC CIF (K) and Mrs Shikha Slaria were Chief Guests during the programme. The Talent Hunt Show and Music Festival competition was organised in the categories of Singing, Dancing, Sufi Music, Stand up Comedy, Instrument playing, Beat Boxing and Mimicry. Over 100 participants participated from Rafiabad, Baramulla, Sopore, Kupwara and Handwara even from the remotest areas. The grass root participation of artists was heart warming, the best performers were shortlisted for final competition which was held on 26 Oct 2021.
The female contestants overwhelmingly took part and sung famous Bollywood & Kashmiri songs, which filled the state with synchronized symphony. The main attraction of the programme were performances in Singing, Dancing, Sufi Music and Instrument playing, which generated a lot of excitement amongst those who attended, especially the children. Their performance were judged by eminent singer of Kashmir Waqar Khan, Punjabi Singer Gursaaz and Shah Zafar. The judges apart from judging the contestants guided them on the finer nuances of music and history of fine tuning and genre of songs.
The prize distribution was done by the Maj Gen SS Slaria, GOC CIF (K) and and Mrs Shikha Slaria who exhorted the competitive spirit of all the participants.
The Talent show organised in Dangiwacha Rafiabad successfully highlighted the capabilities of the local youth also displaying the rich culture of Kashmir. The close coordination and cooperation between the Army and Civil Administration was on full display during the show, which also contributed towards its huge success.