Srinagar, 09 Dec 2021. A two day condolence ceremony is being organised at Sherwani Community Hall, Baramulla to pay homage to India’s first Chief of Defence Staff, Gen Bipin Rawat. Lt Gen DP Pandey, GOC Chinar Corps along with GOC Dagger Division, Maj Gen Ajay Chandpuria and prominent personals from civil and district administration paid homage.
A candle light tribute is also planned at Sherwani Hall, Baramulla in the evening today from 5 pm to 7 pm.
Srinagar, 09 Dec 2021. A two day condolence ceremony is being organised at Sherwani Community Hall, Baramulla to pay homage to India’s first Chief of Defence Staff, Gen Bipin Rawat. Lt Gen DP Pandey, GOC Chinar Corps along with GOC Dagger Division, Maj Gen Ajay Chandpuria and prominent personals from civil and district administration paid homage.
A candle light tribute is also planned at Sherwani Hall, Baramulla in the evening today from 5 pm to 7 pm.