A Gram Sabha was conducted today at the Dak Bungalow, Dawar by the Indian Army and Civil Administration on the occasion of National Good Governance Day. The event was attended by more than 70 individuals including Sarpanchs, Panchs, Public representatives and officials of the Civil Administration and Army.
At the outset the locals were informed about various initiatives undertaken jointly by the Administration and Army this year for the development of tourism, infrastructure, self employment and improvement of quality of living in Gurez. An update on the progress of points discussed during the previous Gram Sabha meeting was elaborated and future plans and initiatives for the development and progress of Gurez were discussed.
A lecture on “ Health Management and Preventive Care During Winters” was delivered to the gathering by a team of doctors under the BMO and finally problems at the grass root level and grievances of the locals were heard. Decision on some critical issues were given on the spot and other issues highlighted during the meeting are being taken up through the Civil Administration and Army channels.
The meeting was a huge success as some innovative ideas for implementation in the near future were given by the locals and issues at grass root level were brought to light. Swift and decisive actions for amelioration of the same are being undertaken. Such proactive measures being adopted in Gurez have been instrumental in strengthening the bond between the Army, Civil Administration and the Awam and has been the key to the quantum leap in development in Gurez this year.