On Friday, Russian troops captured the Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant, the largest in Europe, where a fire had erupted earlier in the day due to shelling.
New Delhi, March 5: The provocation at Ukraine’s Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant was carefully thought out by the authorities in Kiev, former Prime Minister Mykola Azarov said.
“Of course, this is a deliberate provocation, because the first thing is that not a single sane military man from the Russian or Ukrainian army would ever dare to carry out such a provocation on the territory of the largest nuclear power plant in Europe, which has six nuclear units,” Azarov said.
“Therefore, first, it is quite obvious that this is a deliberate provocation. Secondly, Zelensky’s instant reaction – it happened at night, and his instant appeal to the Americans and Great Britain, presenting absolutely false information, in itself says that this is a prepared provocation. He was aware of the holding of which, because he used this provocation to create a no-fly zone over Ukraine,” RT News quoted the former Prime Minister as saying.
On Friday, Russian troops captured the Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant, the largest in Europe, where a fire had erupted earlier in the day due to shelling.