India on Saturday said its focus now was on the evacuation of around 700 Indian students stranded in the Ukrainian city of Sumy that has been witnessing bombing and airstrikes.
At a media briefing, Ministry of External Affairs spokesperson Arindam Bagchi said, “India hopes to evacuate its citizens from Kharkiv and Pisochyn at the earliest. Our focus is now on evacuating Indian students from Sumy. We are exploring multiple options for their evacuation.”
New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday chaired a high-level meeting amid SOS messages and viral videos by Indian students stuck in Sumy. The meeting is learnt to have discussed options available to rescue students trapped in extreme weather conditions in the war zone.
#Washington: US Vice-#President Kamala Harris will travel to #Poland and #Romania next week to unite her European allies against #Russian aggression. She is scheduled to travel to Warsaw (Poland) and Bucharest (Romania) from March 9 to 11.