AR Bhat
As we know, Kashmir has been abode of saints and seers. People by nature and temperament are pacifist. This popular tolerance and strong structures of coexistence actually made this society what is known throughout the world. But over the years, evil designs involved this place into macabre acts of violence. In Kashmir, gun was initially introduced by Muslim Pukhtoons (Tribesman) on 22 October 1947. Maharaja was yet to decide about the political status of his princely state, when raid happened. The looters had reached very close to Srinagar. It is then he asked for Indian help which was denied to him as his territory was not part of the Indian Union. So he signed the Instrument of Accession with India enabling Indian forces to take on the raiders. The (Pakistani) tribesman supported by Pakistani army entered into Kashmir valley with harshness and hatred. They were halted and stopped from plunder by Indian army whom Kashmiris welcomed with flowers and greeting songs. People were happy and relieved to see Indian Army taking on the looters who were backed by Pakistani army. The tribesmen were forced to flee back and peace returned to Kashmir.
In recent past, this was first time when sacred and calm land of Kashmir witnessed armed fight which happened because (Pakistani) tribals supported by Pakistani army supported by army entered Kashmir against the will of people. In other words, this was first act of terror from across the border, engineered and executed by a newly-born country. Since then, Kashmir has been the major source of conflict between India and Pakistan. Pakistan using terrorism as its political tool to achieve what it could not achieve in four wars (real battle from 1948 to 1965, and) till date. How pitiful that when they didn’t win a war on ground, they resorted to backstabbing! This cowardice has been exhibited by Pakistan right in October 1947 and it shamelessly continues. So logically speaking, terrorism began in 1947 in the region, at the behest of Pakistan emanating from Pakistan-occupied Kashmir then and since has become heaven for terrorism. In 1987, the rigged elections added fuel to the fire which helped Pakistan lure Kashmiri youth to pick up gun. This gun culture devoured our lives and ethos.
The early phase of militancy in Kashmir emerged in the late 1980s. The rigging of the election in 1987 resulted in genuine outrage. The anger and despondency could have been channelized in non-violent ways, but there were no leaders to take the responsibility. So large number of Kashmiri youth got trapped in sinister Pakistani plot- exfiltrated across the Line of Control (LOC) to join the training camps set up by Pakistan. The motivation levels were very high due to sustained efforts of nearly two decades. JKLF was amongst the first few outfits to recruit and train Kashmiri youth in this self-defeating fight against the country. It has been more than 30 years and result is what is there to see: death and destruction, and a tattered society. The fate of militancy and militants has always been same. or nothing more than terrorism. Acts of terrorism kill (our) young men; traumatize women, children and strophe march towards peace and progress in the region. That’s why (I call) it is self-defeating.
Nowadays, an average stay of a militant is of almost six months. In these six months either he surrenders or gets killed in an encounter while being holed up in a house or far away in the deep forests. Ironically, what makes educated youth to get allured to militancy is of a great concern for every commoner in Kashmir. These scholars could have otherwise contributed greatly for the betterment of society. Killing or getting killed is no heroism. The youth do have certain genuine grievances. They haven’t been allowed to be part of the democratic processes. The political structure functions to their disadvantage. Then there is huge unemployment and limited opportunities to start business. The successive government’s didn’t respect their mandates and let down our youth. The long dynastic rule of politicians led to deep political nepotism and favoritism which distanced the deserving and meritorious young people from the structures of governance. Besides this, it narrowed the space of aspiring youth to join political platform to make reforms in the corrupted state of affairs. The people who raised voices against this dynastic rule where traumatized and pushed to the wall. All this paved the way for the inimical forces to radicalize these young people forcing them to take the extreme steps. I won’t mince words that since these political goons have been contained by the state, a lot of peace and tranquility returned to Kashmir, and gave youth hope for their future. The need of the hour is to provide space and give them the suitable political platform to fill up the gap. (The Kashmir politics and administration needs further and sustainable cleansing. New Delhi shall have to stand by its commitments
Glorification of terror and violence-by politicians, political parties or whosoever has to be stopped without an iota of leniency. The social media warriors and those clerics who poison youth have to be made accountable. While the militancy in JK has always used religion for mobilization, inspiration and gathering support, the extent to which religiosity was used has diminished because people have realized that religious passions are raised for nefarious designs. Instigators of violence are socially dejected and failure in their lives. (Time) of the hour is to understand the basic problem of these youth who are at crossroads and could not differentiate between right and wrong.
Compassion and care is the key. Youth are to be heard and accommodated, not further traumatized and marginalized.