Srinagar, 05 August 2022. Indian Army alongwith local authorities organised the first ever Machhal Women’s Cricket League. The girls from Machhal, Pushwari and Dudi villages participated with great zeal and enthusiasm. The matches were filled with lot of emotions and the girls had given their best to win the matches for their village. One of the participant said, “this is the first time we got an opportunity to play cricket. In Kashmir, girls don’t have opportunity to participate in such games. I am very happy that cricket tournament is organised for us for the first time. We had seen matches on television but to play cricket on a cricket field is altogether a different and special experience. Such tournaments should be conducted for the girls of Machhal Bowl in future also.”
Girls from Machhal village were the winners of this sporting event. Large number of villagers came to witness these matches and were happy and expressed their gratitude for this new initiative by the Indian Army.