Srinagar: Amid the major spike in Covid cases, the Divisional Commissioner Kashmir Pandurang Kundbarao Pole on Friday said the administration was worried and closely watching the evolving Covid-19 situation noting that the surge in daily count of cases was worrisome.
Talking to Greater Kashmir, he said the proportionate response will be given by the government as per the situation as and when needed.
“We are definitely worried about the situation and at the same time there should be some proportionate response. We are watchful of the evolving situation,” he told Greater Kashmir.
Notably, J&K particularly the Kashmir region has seen a major spike in the cases for the last few days which has made the situation worrisome.
On Thursday and Friday, out of total cases 81 percent and 77 percent cases were reported from Kashmir region alone while the number of active cases increases by 100 on a daily basis.
“We are worried about it and we will take appropriate decisions at appropriate level as per the requirement,” Pole said.
“Yes, it is a serious matter and all the schools, colleges and Universities will be sensitised and directed to adopt CAB and adhere to SoPs. There should be no laxity in it,” he said.
He said the government will not give any disproportionate response to the evolving situation.
“We are equally concerned over the situation as you are. Proper response will be given what is demanded as per situation,” he said.
The Divisional Commissioner Kashmir said the administration will increase its response as and when the situation demands.
“It is a matter of worry but at the same time economic and other activities should not suffer,” he said.
Srinagar: Amid the major spike in Covid cases, the Divisional Commissioner Kashmir Pandurang Kundbarao Pole on Friday said the administration was worried and closely watching the evolving Covid-19 situation noting that the surge in daily count of cases was worrisome.
Talking to Greater Kashmir, he said the proportionate response will be given by the government as per the situation as and when needed.
“We are definitely worried about the situation and at the same time there should be some proportionate response. We are watchful of the evolving situation,” he told Greater Kashmir.
Notably, J&K particularly the Kashmir region has seen a major spike in the cases for the last few days which has made the situation worrisome.
On Thursday and Friday, out of total cases 81 percent and 77 percent cases were reported from Kashmir region alone while the number of active cases increases by 100 on a daily basis.
“We are worried about it and we will take appropriate decisions at appropriate level as per the requirement,” Pole said.
“Yes, it is a serious matter and all the schools, colleges and Universities will be sensitised and directed to adopt CAB and adhere to SoPs. There should be no laxity in it,” he said.
He said the government will not give any disproportionate response to the evolving situation.
“We are equally concerned over the situation as you are. Proper response will be given what is demanded as per situation,” he said.
The Divisional Commissioner Kashmir said the administration will increase its response as and when the situation demands.
“It is a matter of worry but at the same time economic and other activities should not suffer,” he said.