On the occasion of World AIDS Day on 01/12/2022, a program related to Drug de-addiction was organized by 79 BN, CRPF, Srinagar in the auditorium of Engineering College Sonwar, Amar Singh Club. Chairman of Jammu and Kashmir Civil Defense Welfare Committee (N.G.O.), Kashmir Mohammad Maqbool Shaikh, Ghulam Hussain President of N.G.O. Mohd Sabeer Ahmed Shaikh Member N. G.O. Teachers, students of Sonwar High School Srinagar and eminent personalities from all walks of society graced the occasion. Also, the following Imams of various mosques of the Srinagar and the members of the Intzamia Committee were also present to witness the event.
Imam Pir Mohammad Hussain Qadri of Sayeed Yakub Masjid Hanifia, Sonwar.
Imam Shahnawaz of Masjid Sharif Hanifia Palpur Sonwar and its President of Masjid Haji Mohammad Maqbool Dar
Masjid Sharif Hanifia, T.R.C. The Imam of Srinagar, Maulana Sagheer Ahmad Mansoori.
In this event, Shri. Vishwa Deep Singh, 2IC, Shri Abhigyan Kumar, DC, Shri Panwar Suraj Subhash, AC, Sh Amit Anand Pandey, AC, Smt Divya Shri, AC and Mohd Tufail Anjum Reshi, Medical Officer were also present. Medical officer Dr Tufail discussed about AIDS disease and its preventive measures.
Sh. Abhigyan Kumar, Deputy Commandant while moderating the debate competition pointed out the commendable role of the young students during the debate. He also lauded their zeal and enthusiasm during the debate upon which best of them were adjudged. On the basis of their performance, following children were given first, second and third positions & medals.
Seerat Majeed, Class 10th First Prize (Gold Medal)
Iran Mustafa, Class-9th Second Prize (Silver Medal)
Sanas Bilal and Sumaiya Farooq Class 10th (Jointly Third Prize) (Bronze medal)
Shri Kishore Kumar, Commandant 79 Battalion, while presenting mementos to the respected guests, stressed on prevention of this menace by making people aware of its side effects and its impact on the society . He assured that if any kind of cooperation is needed from me or by force to avoid this, he is happy to help. The force is always ready to fight against such evils.
5. 79 battalion, CRPF, Srinagar has been actively participating in various events / campaigns for the development and social change of this area, such as organizing Blood donation camps on various occasions, Tree plantation, organizing various Sports and helping the needy people through Civic Action Programms.