Kupwara: Senior Bhartia Janta Party leader Sajid Yousuf Shah on Wednesday paid a visit to sub district hospital Sogam and NTPHC Lalpora to take the stock of the arrangements being provided to the patients in these health institutions. The BJP Leader enquired the health of the patients and took feedback from their side during these ongoing winter days. He directed the health department to ensure all possible assistance to the patients being served in these hospitals’. He also visited dialysis and other necessary wards of the hospitals’ and took stock of arrangements being provided to the patients day in and day out. He also visited NTPHC Lalpora, where interacted with the patients and heard the greviances’ from the patients and assured them for early redress. During the visit, several delegations including Volunteers Group Of Lalpora, Civil Society alongside with Traders’ federation Lalpora met the dignitary and apprised him about various greviances’ being faced by the residents of Lalpora and it’s adjoining areas. He heard their greviances’ patiently and assured them for redressal of the issues within a short span of time. The senior BJP leader was accompanied by state media secretary Sahil Bashir and activists. Meanwhile, the locals’ have extended their heartfelt gratitude to the BJP leader for visiting these health institutions.