Ganderbal Feb 19: BJP District President Ganderbal was invited today as the chief guest in the final match between Sidiq Memorial Pati Rampora and Friends Eleven at Sheikh Mohalla Theeru Ganderbal. The tournament which consisted of fifteen teams was organised by Hyderia Stationary and G.O.A.T. The organising body consisted of Javaid Ahmad khan,Reyaz Ahmad Ganaie Mohd Ashraf Malla, Bashir Ahmed Ganaie Shabir Ahmad Najar and Gulam Rasool Ganaie,while the match umpires were Rafiq Ahmed Najar and Aftab Mehraj. The match was an exciting competition between the two teams where Sidiq Memorial Cricket club chased a target of 119 runs in 12 overs. “Although one team must be a winner of the match and tournament it was a nice display of talent from players of both sides,” said Shah. The trophies for best player of the match and tournament were presented to Tufail Riyaz