In a heart-wrenching incident, a minor boy lost his life on Saturday after slipping and falling into a stream near his residence. The tragic incident unfolded within the jurisdiction of the Kralgund Police Station in Kupwara district.
According to local sources, the victim was identified as Syed Mohd Azaan son of Syed Aijaz Ahmad, a resident of Hajin in Kralgund. The unfortunate incident, as per the news agency KNT, occurred earlier this afternoon when Azaan accidentally fell into the stream located near his house.
Upon discovering the minor was missing, the family and local residents immediately started searches in hopes of finding the boy. However, after concerted efforts, the body of Azaan was recovered from the stream by local residents.
Confirming the incident, a police officer stated that the minor boy’s body was subsequently handed over to the family for the funeral rites. The police have taken cognizance of the tragic incident and are investigating the circumstances surrounding the unfortunate mishap.
The untimely demise of the young boy has left the community in deep mourning, with neighbours and friends expressing their condolences to the grieving family. The tragic incident serves as a stark reminder of the potential dangers associated with water bodies, especially during the monsoon season.