The Indian Army, in collaboration with an NGO White Globe, organized a remarkable Walkathon in the internal region of Srinagar this morning. The event aimed to raise awareness and combat the menace of drug abuse in society. A diverse group of participants, including 300 school children and numerous other enthusiastic individuals, gathered to walk together and convey their resounding message for a Drug Free Kashmir.
The Walkathon commenced in the early hours of the morning of July 14, 2023. The atmosphere was filled with anticipation and a collective determination to make a positive difference in the community.
The 2.5-kilometer walk, encompassing various significant areas such as Moti Mohalla Bridge, Mir Behri, Dal Lake, offered an opportunity for the participants to traverse through the heart of Kashmir while delivering their powerful message against drug abuse. Accompanied by a vibrant display of banners and placards, they chanted slogans that reverberated through the streets, resonating with the hopes and aspirations of a society free from the clutches of drugs.
Throughout the journey, the walkers received tremendous support and encouragement from the onlookers, who joined in the chant for a Drug Free Kashmir. The event brought together people from different walks of life, fostering a sense of unity and solidarity in the fight against drug abuse.
The culmination of the Walkathon took place at the Nandpura Nagaland Sports Ground where, the organisers, expressed gratitude to all the participants for their unwavering commitment to the cause. They emphasized the importance of collective action in raising awareness and combating drug abuse.
The Walkathon concluded with a renewed sense of purpose and commitment among all the participants. The event successfully instilled a sense of responsibility and determination to combat the drug menace in Kashmir. It is hoped that the collective efforts of the Indian Army, White Globe NGO, and the resilient people of Kashmir will pave the way for a brighter and drug-free future.