Baramulla police in its ongoing operation against drug smuggling & in order to eradicate the menace of drugs from society, has booked 54 drug smugglers under PIT- NDPS Act/ PSA in the district after obtaining formal detention order from the competent authorities; Lodged in different jails of UT
These hard-core drug peddlers were operating in Uri, Pattan , Baramulla, Kreeri and Tangmarg sub divisions. Pertinent to mention that *many cases are registered against these drug Smugglers* and were involved in promoting drug abuse trade by supplying drugs to local youth of District Baramulla. Despite their involvement in many FIR’s they did not mend their activities and were again involved in promoting drug abuse trade by supplying drugs to local youth.
Sustained action against drug peddlers has brought a visible change in the ground situation and drug abuse has seen a considerable downfall in Baramulla district. Citizens have lauded the efforts of Baramulla Police and have expressed their satisfaction and appreciation for the work of police.
General People of the district are requested to come forward with the information of drug peddlers in their areas (identity will be kept confidential) in order to support police to eradicate menace of drugs from the society which is the real sign of strong Police Public relationship