The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi has congratulated Jyothi Surekha Vennam, Parneet Kaur and Aditi Gopichand on winning the Gold medal in Women’s Archery Compound Team event at the Asian Games 2022 in Hangzhou.
The Prime Minister posted on X:
“India’s Women Archers win the Gold Medal in the Compound Team event! Congratulations to Jyothi Surekha Vennam, Parneet Kaur and Aditi Gopichand! Their flawless performance, focus, and dedication have made our nation incredibly proud. This victory is a testament to their exceptional skill and teamwork.”
India’s Women Archers win the Gold Medal in the Compound Team event! Congratulations to @VJSurekha, @Parrneettt, and Aditi Gopichand! Their flawless performance, focus, and dedication have made our nation incredibly proud. This victory is a testament to their exceptional skill…