Srinagar, Nov 29 : In a stern warning, the Cyber Police Kashmir has asked social-media users to strictly refrain from posting or sharing any provocative or inappropriate content from the respective handles or through managed pages.
A Cyber Police Kashmir official talking to news agency Kashmir Scroll said that in the impending situation, they ask the social-media to refrain from sharing any sort of provocative or inappropriate content from the personal handles or managed pages.
“We have over the time witnessed that some people have indulged in sharing of provocative content and in such a situation we feel it obligatory on our part to ask those people to take down the content and refrain from posting or sharing any content that may jeopardize the law and order situation”, the official said.
“We in the meantime are in process of identifying the people for sharing provocative content and action as warranted is being mulled upon”, the official said. (KS)