SRINAGAR, MAY 17:Under the patronage of Justice N. Kotiswar Singh, Chief Justice, High Court of J&K and Ladakh & Patron-in-Chief, J&K Legal Services Authority and with the approval of Justice Tashi Rabstan, Executive Chairman, J&K Legal Services Authority as well as under the guidance of Justice Sindhu Sharma, Chairperson, High Court Legal Services Committee, a Special Lok Adalat was organized throughout the UT of J&K today, with special emphasis on amicable settlement of consumer cases pending disposal in different consumer forums within the UT of J&K.
As per the data received from District Legal Services Authority Srinagar, Ganderbal, Bandipora, Kupwara, Jammu, Samba, Kathua, Rajouri and Udhampur, a total of 227 cases were taken up in the Special Lok Adalat, out of which 123 cases were amicably settled involving a total amount of Rs.29,38,081/- giving a huge relief to the litigants. District Ganderbal once again emerged as front runner with amicable resolution of 104 cases out of the total 123 cases settled in today’s Special Lok Adalat.
Member Secretary, J&K Legal Services Authority,Amit Kumar Gupta, while appreciating the efforts of DLSA Ganderbal informed about the benefits of such Special Lok Adalats which are being organized by the J&K Legal Services Authority. He further informed that the next special lok Adalat shall be held on Saturday, June 08, 2024 focusing on the settlement of Traffic Challans and Electricity Bills. He urged the Advocates in general and the litigants in particular to take maximum benefit of such Special Lok Adalats.
Appreciating the efforts of all the Judicial Officers, Secretaries DLSA’s, Advocates, staff of the district and tehsil courts as well as Legal Services Institutions besides litigants for their whole hearted participation in the Special Lok Adalat and facilitating settlement of cases in such a large number, he also acknowledged the role of Para Legal Volunteers and the media, both print and electronic in creating and spreading awareness amongst the masses about such initiatives of Legal Services Authority.