SRINAGAR: Police on Thursday booked a Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) Over Ground Worker (OGW) under Public Safety Act (PSA) in Sopore township of Jammu and Kashmir Baramulla district.
The OGW has been identified as Ahsan-ul-Haq, a resident of Nowpora Kalan Sopore. He was booked under PSA after obtaining orders from the competent authority.
Haq has been taken into custody and lodged in Central Jail Kot-Bhalwal Jammu, they said.
Meanwhile, three drug smugglers were also booked under Narco Act in Sopore.
They have been identified as Barkat Ahmad Dar and Musaib Bashir Lone from Sopore, and Umar Bashir Zargar of Rafiabad.
They have been booked under Prevention of Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (PIT-NDPS) Act and lodged in the same central jail as Haq