Jammu, Nov 07: Jammu police with a clear stance of zero tolerance to Drugs abuse raided at the house of a Police constable namely Parwaiz Khan S/O Late Mohd R/O Azmatabad Thanamandi Rajouri A/P Gujjar Mohalla Janipur and recovered approximately 33 grams of Heroin (Chitaa) like narcotics, 22 mobile phones,weighing machine, Rs.25640/,foil papers and other paraphenalia used in making small bits of Chitta/Heroin for further selling to innocent youths of the area for gaining undue profits from sale of narcotics.
Janipur police also arrested his two wives Nargis Bhat and Parveen Akhtar and narcotics was also recovered from their possession. Both Nargis Bhat and Parveen Akhtar were assisting him in making bits and further selling to their clients in the local area.
In this regard a case FIR no. 128/2024 U/S 8/21/22/29/27A NDPS Act has been registered and investigation is in full swing.
The said constable is posted in Crime and has been placed under suspension with immediate effect. Janipur Police is also doing his financial investigation as he has acquired two houses at Janipur and accumulated huge property.
Janipur Police station is also in process to attach his illegitimate property which is proceed of narcotics.
Parwaiz Khan’s arrested has proved that police is duty bound to save the innocent youth of this country from the menace of drug abuse and zero tolerance to peddlers who are doing this immoral trade which has resulted in many youth’s death due to overdose.
Police’s swift action and apprehension of this black sheep has been appreciated by public.