Srinagar: Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah described the visuals of Thursday’s fatal accident on a Srinagar road, which claimed the lives of two children and left another injured, as “heartbreaking.”
The tragic incident occurred when a speeding Mahindra Thar collided with a stationary tipper in Batamaloo’s Tengpora area. Video footage of the accident, which went viral on social media, captured the moment the Thar struck the tipper, releasing a plume of smoke. The footage also showed two other black Thars ahead of the ill-fated vehicle.
The deceased were identified as Hammad, a resident of Lal Bazar, and Azeem from Sanat Nagar.
“Heartbreaking visuals. This accident claimed precious young lives & has had a devastating impact on their families. My heart goes out to the families of the boys killed in this tragic accident. May Allah grant them a place in Jannat,” Omar posted on X.
“Our cars get quicker, our roads get better but our road sense shows no sign of improving. Speed thrills but it kills with no remorse. Traffic rules are there for a reason, they keep us safe but only if we follow them,” he added.
Kashmiri separatist leader and Kashmir Chief Cleric Mirwaiz Umar Farooq Mirwaiz on Friday called for parental caution and government action on road safety.
Speaking at the historic Jamia Masjid on Friday, Mirwaiz expressed grave concern over the alarming rise in vehicular accidents across Kashmir.
“Each day, we hear about traffic accidents claiming precious lives. Just yesterday, two young boys tragically lost their lives, and a third is battling for his life,” he said
Mirwaiz urged parents to exercise caution in providing young individuals with vehicles, particularly motorcycles and cars, which they often use recklessly at high speeds.
“Parents must be wary of granting their children access to bikes and cars that they speed on, endangering their own lives and others,” he said.
Mirwaiz also criticized the government’s “lack of seriousness” in addressing the growing traffic issue leading to such incidents, highlighting that many people particularly the young ride motorcycles and scooters at fast speeds and without helmets, risking severe injuries or fatalities.
Mirwaiz called on authorities to take stringent measures to ensure compliance with traffic regulations and to promote road safety awareness.