Jammu: Union Minister Dr Jitendra Singh on Sunday said that the Machail village in Kishtwar district of Jammu and Kashmir has been proposed for solarisation under “PM Suryaghar Muft Bijli Yojana”.
“Heartening for Inhabitants and Devotees travelling to #Machail in district #Kishtwar,” Dr Singh posted on X.
He further posted, “Machail panchayat falling under the jurisdiction of tehsil Machail, subdivision Paddar, has been proposed for Solarisation under “PM Suryaghar Muft Bijli Yojana”.”
“Deputy Commissioner Kishtwar, Rajesh Kumar Shavan is actively pursuing the matter,” he wrote on the handle.
Notably, a record number of 2.80 lakh pilgrims paid obeisance during annual Mata Machail pilgrimage that concluded on September 5 this year.