JAMMU: Duggar Manch organized a special literary event to mark the birth anniversary of the renowned Dogri poet, the late Shri Kehar Singh Madhukar. The purpose of this event was to remember Madhukar Ji’s contributions and to pass on his significant role in Dogri literature to the new generation. The event, held in Jammu, saw participation from several well-known poets and literary figures of Dogri language and literature, who paid heartfelt tributes to Madhukar Ji through their poems and thoughts.
The event was inaugurated by the President of Duggar Manch, Padma Shri Mohan Singh, who shed light on Madhukar Ji’s life and literary contributions. He said, Kehar Singh Madhukar enriched Dogri literature through his writings, and his works will continue to inspire future generations. His literary contributions cannot be forgotten, and we are proud that he elevated the Dogri language to new heights.”
On this special occasion, various Dogri poets recited their compositions, adding a literary flavor to the atmosphere. The poetry session began with Sahil Badayal, whose poem deeply moved the audience. Following him, Sheikh Faiz, Dr. Suresh Sharma, Rakesh Verma, Sarita Khajuria, Chaman Lal Chaman, Khajoor Singh, Vijay Verma, Puran Chand Sharma, Shivdev Singh Sushil, and Sushil Begana, each presented their emotional and impactful poems.
Through their verses, the poets captured the beauty of the Dogri language and highlighted Madhukar Ji’s literary contributions, making the event not only a tribute to his legacy but also a reminder of his profound impact on Dogri literature. These poems brought Madhukar Ji’s legacy to life, touching the hearts of literature lovers inspired by his works.
The event was skillfully hosted by Dr. Sushma Rani Rajput, who maintained the flow by inviting each poet to the stage and keeping the audience engaged in the literary ambiance. Her effective anchoring transformed the event into a literary journey, where each poem revived the memory of Madhukar Ji.
Following the literary program, a special lunch was hosted at Padma Shri Mohan Singh’s residence on behalf of Duggar Manch. All the attending poets and literary figures participated, where informal discussions on the future of literature, culture, and the Dogri language took place. This moment became an inspiring experience for all the literary enthusiasts dedicated to the Dogri language and literature.
The celebration of Madhukar Day was an occasion to reaffirm Madhukar Ji’s invaluable legacy in Dogri literature and to unite Dogri literature lovers. His literary contributions enriched Dogri literature, and this event was a true tribute to him. It not only revived memories of Madhukar Ji but also presented the importance of Dogri literature to the new generation.