Srinagar: PDP’S Additional Spokesperson Shokia Qureshi has said that participation of lakhs of candidates in recently held constable post examination is indicative of alarming un employment issue in J&K and exposes all false claims of Khushhaal Kashmir, which is being projected out side J&K.The ratio of jobs advertised v/s applicants stands at staggering 1:140.
Keeping in view this alarming situation , it is important that govt initiates fast track course to fill up all vacancies in the departments of J&K so that our youth get the jobs in time and do not turn over age by the passage of time.
Further as train service is expected to connect Kashmir with Kanyakumari very soon , Central Govt must consider a spl package of employment for youth of J&K in railways as youth from Kashmir have remained disconnected from railway recruitment jobs during last several decades due to non availability of train services in Kashmir. Such a package will not only give our educated youth an opportunity to serve railways but can also solve the issue of un employment to a certain extent.