Srinagar: Jammu and Kashmir Police on Tuesday booked two women under stringent Public Safety Act in Udhampur district in Jammu region.
“District Police Udhampur has detained two Female Terror Associates (OGWs) under the Public Safety Act (PSA), identified as Maryama Begum wife of Mohd. Shafeeq from Loudhara, Basantgarh and Arshad Begum wife of Late Jamal Din from Rai Chak, Basantgarh who were assessed to be posing a significant threat to the safety and security of the state,” said the district Police in a statement issued to news agency JKNS.
“These terror associates were found to be involved in providing logistics support to terrorist groups and working as guide/facilitator for terrorist organisations. Their continuous actions posed a serious risk to public safety and tranquility,” reads the statement.
“To prevent further criminal activities detrimental to the security of the state and keeping in view their activities both were ordered to be detained under PSA,” concluded the statement. (JKNS)