Jammu: : In a significant achievement, the Jammu Police, under a special Operation “Re-Connect,” successfully recovered 50 lost smartphones, valued at over 15 lakh rupees, in the past six months. Recognizing the personal and emotional connection citizens have with their mobile devices, the Jammu South Police worked passionately to return these smartphones to their rightful owners.
The operation was carried out by the Tech/ESU team of Jammu Police, South Zone, comprising of PSI Dhanraj Singh, Ct Vishal Sharma, Ct Dharminder Choudhary, Ct. Sheetal Koul, who worked dedicatedly and professionally to trace the missing smartphones. The phones had been reported as lost across various police stations in South Zone, Jammu.
The team under the command of the Shri Ajay Sharma-JKPS, SP City South, Jammu and under the overall supervision of SSP Jammu- Shri Joginder Singh-JKPS, managed to successfully track and recover these devices from various parts of the country. The list of recovered smartphones is enclosed herewith.
Today on 04.12.2024, after successful recovery, the phones were returned to their rightful owners. SP City South along with SDPO South and SDPO East also advised the public to take extra care with their communication devices, as smartphones not only store valuable contacts but also contain sensitive personal information, such as photographs, emails, text messages, and financial details.
The owners of the recovered p/hones expressed their deep gratitude toward the Jammu Police for their efforts in retrieving their devices and protecting their private information. The operation has been widely appreciated for its impact on both public service and the safety of citizens’ valuable property.