Bengaluru: The Indian Institute of Cartoonists (IIC) celebrated a grand event at the Indian Cartoon Gallery, marking two major milestones: the 200th Cartoon Exhibition and the release of the third edition of CartoonistsIndia Annual 2024, its flagship publication. The event also featured a panel discussion on The Future of Cartooning in the Digital Era. Chief Guest Dr. (Prof.) Mrinal Chatterjee, Regional Director of the Indian Institute of Mass Communication (IIMC), Odisha, graced the occasion along with Guests of Honour Mr. Amarnath Kamath, Trustee of the Maya Kamath Memorial Awards for Excellence in Cartooning, and Ms. Sunita Munagapati, daughter of the late M.S. Ramakrishna, whose iconic works were prominently featured in the exhibition. 200th Cartoon Exhibition: A Tribute to M.S. Ramakrishna The exhibition paid tribute to the legendary cartoonist M.S. Ramakrishna, known for his contributions to publications such as Shankar’s Weekly, Caravan, and Woman’s Era. The highlights included: Hubby, a full-page colour cartoon that appeared in Caravan for over a decade starting in 1976. Rajita, a popular series in Woman’s Era during the 1980s. Ms. Sunita Munagapati shared personal anecdotes about her father’s creative journey, offering a touching insight into his lasting legacy. Launch of CartoonistsIndia Annual 2024 The release of CartoonistsIndia Annual 2024, a 100+ page edition, celebrated both Indian and global cartooning. The publication includes: Tributes to renowned cartoonists like Abu Abraham, Ahibhushan Malik, Gopulu, Kerala Verma, and international icons André Franquin, Harvey Kurtzman, and Jack Davis. A special feature on the history of cartooning in Jammu and Kashmir, showcasing its distinctive style and cultural influences. The magazine serves as a vibrant homage to the art of cartooning, reflecting its enduring appeal and contemporary relevance.