New Delhi/Srinagar: The National Investigation Agency (NIA) has filed a chargesheet against an accused in connection with the deadly terror attack on a bus carrying pilgrims near Katra, Jammu and Kashmir, earlier this year.
“The NIA submitted the chargesheet against Hakam Khan, also known as Hakim Din, to the NIA Special Court in Jammu. He has been charged under various sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) and the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act [UA(P) Act],” reads a statement issued to the news agency JKNS.
It reads as, the attack, which occurred on June 9, 2024, targeted a bus transporting pilgrims from Shiv Khori to Katra. Unidentified terrorists opened fire near Kanda, Jhandi Morh, killing eight people, including the bus driver, and injuring 41 others. The driver, struck by a bullet, lost control of the vehicle, which then plunged into a gorge, leading to further casualties and injuries.
It also reads as, the Ministry of Home Affairs directed the NIA to investigate the case. After extensive inquiries, Hakam Khan was arrested for his involvement. According to the NIA, he provided logistical support to the attackers, including food, accommodation, and assistance in identifying the attack site. Hakam confessed to being part of the conspiracy carried out by three terrorists. The NIA stressed that investigations in the case, registered as RC-02/2024/NIA/JMU, are ongoing.—(JKNS )