Srinagar: Jammu and Kashmir service selection board re-scheduled OMR Based Examinations to 31st December.
The examination was earlier scheduled on 29 December 2024.
As per an official notification issued by Controller Examinations, in J&K Services Selection Board, a copy of which lies in possession of news agency JKNS reads, In view of the inclement weather conditions, it is hereby notified for information of the candidates, that the OMR based examinations for the posts of Jr Stenographer(s)/Jr.Scale Stenographer(s) (Shift I) and Steno-Typists (Shift II) scheduled to be held on 29.12.2024, are postponed and shall now be held on 31.12.2024.
Notification further reads that, the timings of the Examination(s), Examination venues and shifts of the examination(s) shall remain the same.
Besides, the Admit Cards already issued for examinations of 29.12.2024 shall remain valid for the examination(s) on 31.12.2024, it reads. (JKNS)