Srinagar: Home Minister Amit Shah, on saturday said “India has achieved a record-breaking drug seizure worth ₹16,914 crore since independence, but the fight against drugs is far from over.”
During a regional conference on “Drug Trafficking and National Security,” Home Minister Amit Shah, as per news agency JKNS, said, “The confiscation of drugs worth ₹16,914 crore has set a new record, surpassing all previous figures. This is the largest seizure of drugs in India since independence and a testament to our success.
However, I must say that this fight is far from over. The challenges ahead require us to move forward with greater strength, precision planning, strict monitoring, and timely strategic interventions to achieve complete success.”
“Prime Minister Modi’s vision is to build a fully developed India after independence, making the nation a global leader in all fields. However, this cannot be accomplished without a drug-free India, he said.”
He further said, “Approximately 1 lakh kilograms of seized drugs, valued at ₹8,600 crore, will be incinerated within the next 10 days. This will send a strong message to the public. With a comprehensive and unified government approach, I am confident we will make significant progress in 2025.”
Giving the progress over the last decade, Shah said, “Under PM Modi’s leadership, the fight against drugs has gained significant momentum. From 2004 to 2014, around 3.63 lakh kilograms of drugs were confiscated. In contrast, from 2014 to 2024, we seized 24 lakh kilograms—a sevenfold increase. This is a significant achievement.”
Shah said, “The value of disposed drugs from 2004 to 2014 was ₹8,150 crore, whereas from 2014 to 2024, it rose to ₹56,851 crore—an increase of 8 times.”
Addressing criticism that drug usage is increasing, Shah clarified, “It’s not that drug consumption is rising; it’s that the enforcement and action against it have improved, leading to more results. Ignoring criticism, we have dismantled drug networks, exposed their entire ecosystems, and made significant breakthroughs, especially in cases involving Narco-terrorism in Jammu & Kashmir, Punjab, Gujarat, and Uttar Pradesh, thanks to the collaboration between state police and central agencies, Shah said.”
Shah urged state governments to step up their efforts, saying, “Relying solely on the central government will not suffice. While the central government will provide technical and financial assistance, states must also allocate a portion of their budgets to this cause.”
Shah referred to a recent survey indicating that 7% of the population in India consumes drugs. He emphasized, “We are at a crucial stage where a united and focused approach will ensure victory in this fight.” (JKNS)