JKNS: lokhandwala Actor Gagandeep Singh who is now in Mumbai has kept himself busy feeding stray dogs for the last five days. His manager meeta Kohli, recently posted a series of pictures where you can see the actor wearing masks and gloves on the streets and feeding the dogs.This virus outbreak has taken a lot of us by surprise,” the post read. “We have learnt that amid fear, there is also community, support and hope. For these stray dogs the only hope is little act of kindness in uncertain times! Actor has been feeding 25 to 30 dogs for the past 5 days. Chicken and rice with water to drink is all they need to survive. So proud of Gagandeep I’m sure many will follow,Earlier, the Bollywood Actor had shared several pictures of his maintaining social distancing at home. She also shared pictures with his pet dog. “As we self-isolate ourselves, I am keeping myself upbeat by nurturing plants, spending time with alone and focussing on the positivity around,” recently He has got his photo shoot done by Arjun mark.