Naeem Ul Nissa has taken over the charge as SDM Surankote on 16.8.21. On the occasion, the People Of Surankote welcomed the newly joined SDM Surankote, Naeem Ul Nissa and apprised her about the functioning of the SDM office. Immediately after assuming the charge, the incumbent officer, Naheem ul Nissa took an introductory meeting with the Staff of Revenue Department and asked them to put their efforts in providing better services to the people during the pandemic situation of Covid 19 as well as routine work, adding that good team work is needed among all the field and office staff so that good results would come out with in the department.
At her arrival Tehsildar Surankote Sh. Sheraz Chauhan welcomed the officer alongwith Naib Tehsildar Surankote Sh. Tarif Hussain Shah and office and field staff and in the office gave a brief introduction of the working of the revenue department and law and order situation. He also wished her on her posting and assured full support from him and his entire staff.